Where it all began, a Coronado 15 with a mid-90s look!

Nautilys provides boating and chartering insights through an analytical lens. It’s almost easier to understand what Nautilys is by first stating what we are not:

This is not a site where we tell you we sold all our possessions and are documenting boat life day by day. We approach boating differently; we have full time jobs onshore and need to be tactical about how we spend our time and money on boating. Admittedly the analytical angle is built into who we are and the full time work we do is evident in many of the downloads and analyses shown.

This also isn’t one of those forums where everyone is posting their thoughts, some great, others not so much. While we like reading those ourselves, we are providing our analytical path to everything from purchasing a boat to figuring out chartering itineraries. If you have comments regarding the information, please contact us.

What we are is a resource for boating and chartering analytics and planning. Whether you are considering buying a boat, entering it into fractional usage, bareboat chartering, or trying to answer the endless questions that come with boating, Nautilys helps you navigate the tough decisions.

- Captain Nautilys
