The Definitive SailTime Calculator
In our Analysis section we provided a very comprehensive breakdown of the costs and benefits involved in SailTime. The calculations were all backed up by this calculator, which takes into account: boat cost, ongoing expenses, SailTime costs, benefits, usage ability, and comparisons to buying a used boat or just becoming a member. The calculator can be customized to your experience and information for any of the inputs. Take advantage of the instructional video to learn how to leverage this calculator for your decision making.
What Does it Do?
Determine the total cost of ownership of buying a new boat and enrolling in the SailTime program, where costs may be offset by program revenues.
Understand boat usage restrictions as an owner with a vessel in SailTime.
Input your own assumptions to see if the benefits outweigh the costs.
Check to see if it makes more sense to be a SailTime member instead of an owner, or vice versa.